A look into Hip Hop, Politics, and Fashion from the eyes of Derek.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Powell and Obama

Colin Powell is set to appear on this Sunday's edition of Meet the Press to discuss various issues facing the USA. It has been long rumored that the former Chairman of the Joints Cheifs of Staff under President George HW Bush, would back Senator Barack Obama's run at the US presidency. Colin Powell, once thought of as a legitimate Presidential candidate himself, has been quiet about who he would support and there is a chance that he could make his endorsement Sunday. I feel that this could be the straw that breaks the Straight Talk Express' Back. If someone as influential in the Republican Party as Powell, steps up and voices his support for Barack Obama's run at the White House, it would be devastating. Powell, known as a "Moderate" Republican, has long been critical of the Bush Administration's handling of the Iraq War, their response to Hurricane Katrina, and their use of torture as an interrogation method. Powell also lines up with many social issues that are core Democratic Party beliefs. All we can do is wait until Sunday morning and see if Colin Powell endorses Senator Barack Obama.


Allen, Mike. "Colin Powell may endores Obama". Atlanta Journal Constitution October 17, 2008:

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